Arturo Fuente

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    In 1924, a fire burned down the Arturo Fuente tobacco factory, resulting in a complete loss and prompting Arturo to repay business debts by working as a general manager for 22 years. After the tragedy, Arturo continued rebuilding his business by making cigars at the back of his home. Today, Arturo Fuente cigars are internationally recognized and well-loved by many smokers. The family's story is a classic example of how passion can drive a person to work on his goals and keep going even after a major loss. 

    Arturo was passionate about cigars. He founded the Arturo Fuente company in 1912 and started selling cigars handmade with Cuban tobacco. Focusing on quality, the company took its time rolling and blending cigars to ensure top-notch quality. Within 10 years, the Arturo Fuente Company had grown to about 500 employees, and it continued to produce premium tobaccos until that catastrophic fire. In 2012, the Arturo Fuente Company celebrated its 100th year in business, and today, it has a 69,000-square-foot facility and continues to produce the world's finest cigars. 

    What Makes Arturo Fuente Cigars Unique

    Arturo Fuente cigars are rated among the best globally, making the family-owned and operated company a highly revered producer of premium cigars. The company is never in a hurry when it comes to making cigars; quality is always the top priority. Ingredients for its remarkable cigars are grown in Bonao, Dominican Republic, in the family chateau. Expect quality craftsmanship and quality tobacco with Arturo Fuente cigars. 

    Why Smokers Love Arturo Fuentes

    Cigar enthusiasts love Arturo Fuente because the company knows how to make some of the finest cigars in the world. Their cigars' top-notch quality means it's no wonder they're internationally recognized. The company's dedication and passion for rolling and blending cigars in various flavors have earned it a massive following worldwide. Every cigar delivers just the right aroma and flavor. Some of its cigars include the 1960s series called Rare Pink, the Arturo Fuente Anejo, featuring the famous No. 77 or Shark torpedo-shaped cigar, and the popular Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva. 

    TRP Cigars carries an extensive selection of Arturo Fuente's finest tobacco products. Our exquisite Dream to Dynasty Collection is perfect for the cigar enthusiast in your life. We also sell Don Carlos Eye of the Shark, the Rosado Sungrown, and the Cuban Corona Maduro at affordable prices. Whether you want to purchase cigars for yourself or a friend, you'll be spoilt for choice with what's available. Contact us if you have questions about our cigars, or check out our collection today.

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