The God of Fire Serie B is a rich and full-bodied cigar, crafted by the renowned Fuente family under the God of Fire brand, known for their excellence in producing premium cigars. The Serie B stands out with its dual-wrapper options, offering either an Ecuadorian Sun Grown or a Maduro wrapper, each providing its unique flavor profile. The blend of aged Dominican binder and fillers delivers a robust and complex smoking experience, with the Sun Grown version offering notes of cedar, leather, and pepper, while the Maduro version introduces richer flavors of dark chocolate, espresso, and a hint of sweetness.
Both versions of the Serie B are meticulously constructed, ensuring a smooth draw and an even burn throughout the smoke. This cigar is a perfect choice for seasoned cigar aficionados who enjoy bold and intricate flavors. The God of Fire Serie B pairs exceptionally well with dark spirits, such as aged rum or whiskey, making it an ideal choice for evening relaxation or special occasions. Its combination of top-tier craftsmanship and complex flavor profiles makes the Serie B a must-try for those seeking a premium, full-bodied cigar experience.