The Olmec Claro is a distinguished cigar from Foundation Cigar Company, crafted to pay homage to the ancient Olmec civilization of Mexico's San Andrés Valley. This medium to full-bodied cigar features a light brown San Andrés Claro wrapper, which encases a Nicaraguan binder and aged long-fillers from the fertile Estelí and Jalapa regions. The blend provides a rich, smooth smoking experience, with complex notes of leather, spice, cocoa, and a touch of cream.
With its balanced profile and expertly crafted construction, the Olmec Claro has quickly become a favorite among cigar enthusiasts and even earned a high rating, securing a spot among the top cigars of 2023. It is available in multiple sizes, including Robusto, Toro, Grande, and Double Corona, offering options to suit a variety of preferences and smoking occasional.