The Davidoff Millennium Toro (6.0" x 50) is a premier cigar that epitomizes the sophistication and craftsmanship of Davidoff’s Millennium series. Featuring a meticulously selected Ecuadorian wrapper and a robust blend of Dominican long-fillers, this Toro delivers a medium to full-bodied smoke that is both rich and balanced. Expect a complex flavor profile with notes of creamy cedar, dark chocolate, and espresso, accented by subtle hints of spice and earthiness. The 6.0" x 50 size ensures a generous draw and an even burn, allowing you to fully appreciate the cigar's nuanced flavors throughout the smoking experience.
Ideal for a variety of occasions, the Davidoff Millennium Toro pairs elegantly with a fine aged whiskey or a strong coffee, enhancing its rich and complex profile. Its flawless construction and refined taste make it a distinguished addition to any humidor, offering a luxurious smoking experience that reflects Davidoff's unwavering commitment to quality and precision. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or exploring premium cigars, the Millennium Toro provides a memorable and sophisticated smoke that captures the essence of the Davidoff Millennium line.