The Cigar Rights of America (CRA) Freedom Sampler 2024 Limited Edition is a curated collection of ten premium cigars from renowned family-owned manufacturers, assembled to support CRA's advocacy for cigar enthusiasts. This exclusive sampler features a selection of rare and limited-edition cigars, each representing the pinnacle of craftsmanship and flavor.
The sampler includes:
Arturo Fuente Opus X Scorpio Maduro: A distinguished cigar from the acclaimed Opus X series, known for its rich and complex profile.
Ashton VSG Torpedo: A full-bodied cigar offering deep, robust flavors with a refined finish.
E.P. Carrillo Encore Black: A limited-edition release showcasing a harmonious blend of aged tobaccos.
Diamond Crown Classic No. 9 Belicoso: A luxurious cigar delivering a smooth and creamy smoking experience.
La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull: An award-winning cigar celebrated for its bold and intricate flavors.
My Father García & García Toro Deluxe: A premium offering with a balanced and sophisticated profile.
Oliva Serie V Melanio Figurado: A top-rated cigar known for its rich and nuanced taste.
Padrón Black No. 600: A rare release from Padrón, offering a deep and satisfying flavor.
Rocky Patel DBS Toro: A distinguished blend delivering a complex and enjoyable smoke.
Tatuaje Smashed Pumpkin Capa Especial Sumatra: A unique cigar featuring a Sumatra wrapper, providing a distinctive taste experience.
Each cigar in this sampler has been thoughtfully selected to provide a diverse and exceptional smoking journey. With only 5,000 packs available, this limited-edition collection is a must-have for aficionados seeking to enjoy some of the finest cigars while supporting the ongoing efforts to protect cigar rights.