The Opus X Society Cigar is a premium, exclusive offering that represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship and tradition in the world of cigars. Born from the legendary Arturo Fuente Opus X brand, this cigar is part of a select collection created for the Opus X Society, a group dedicated to celebrating luxury, artistry, and the refined culture of cigars. Known for its rich, complex flavor profile, the Opus X Society Cigar features a 6.0" x 49 size, meticulously aged Dominican wrapper, binder, and filler tobaccos grown on the Fuente family’s estate in the Dominican Republic.
The Opus X Society Cigar delivers a full-bodied experience with deep notes of earth, leather, dark chocolate, and pepper, balanced by subtle hints of sweetness and spice. The superior construction ensures a smooth draw and an even burn, allowing smokers to savor the complexity and depth of flavors throughout the entire smoking session. Ideal for special occasions or as part of a luxurious collection, this cigar is a must-have for aficionados seeking the finest in tobacco craftsmanship. Pair it with a fine whiskey or cognac to elevate your experience, and indulge in the exceptional world of Opus X.
Box of 20 cigars - Pre Order Available