Fuente The Opus X Society Cigar Overview
Experience the pinnacle of luxury with the Fuente The Opus X Society Cigar, now available at TRP Cigars. This distinguished release represents a fusion of artistry and tradition, capturing the essence of the celebrated Opus X heritage in a refined, limited offering. For connoisseurs who seek nothing but the finest, this cigar promises an encounter unlike any other.
A Brief History & Notable Facts
Arturo Fuente’s Opus X line revolutionized the cigar world as the first Dominican puro to achieve global acclaim, cementing the Dominican Republic’s place among premier tobacco-growing regions. The Opus X Society takes this legacy a step further, blending meticulous craftsmanship with innovative design elements. Created in collaboration with renowned designer Manny Iriarte, this rare edition celebrates the Fuente family’s dedication to authenticity, innovation, and artistic presentation—resulting in a cigar that transcends the ordinary.
Flavor & Aroma Profile
Indulge in a multi-layered flavor experience characterized by rich notes of cedar, roasted coffee, and subtle spices. Underlying hints of leather and cocoa intertwine with a gentle sweetness, culminating in a profile that is both complex and exceptionally balanced. Each draw reveals new dimensions, rewarding the attentive palate with evolving depth.
Construction & Blend
Meticulous attention to detail defines The Opus X Society Cigar’s construction. Handcrafted using rare, Dominican-grown wrapper, binder, and filler tobaccos, it showcases a harmony of perfectly aged leaves that have been cultivated under ideal conditions. The result is a cigar that exhibits flawless craftsmanship, seamless rolling, and an inviting appearance that speaks to its exceptional quality.
Smoking Experience
From the initial light to the final puff, The Opus X Society Cigar delivers a consistent burn, smooth draw, and lingering finish. The smoke is dense and creamy, encouraging a slow, contemplative pace that allows you to fully appreciate the cigar’s complexity. It’s a distinguished smoking experience that invites aficionados to savor every moment.
Pairing Suggestions
Complement the cigar’s sophisticated profile with a carefully chosen beverage. A rich espresso, a premium aged rum, or a peaty single malt whisky can each enhance its nuanced flavors. For personalized recommendations or insight into other exceptional pairings, the knowledgeable team at TRP Cigars is ready to assist.
Ideal Occasions & Who It’s For
The Opus X Society Cigar is perfectly suited for life’s most meaningful moments—celebrating achievements, savoring intimate gatherings, or simply indulging in a well-deserved personal retreat. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a passionate explorer of premium smokes, this cigar’s illustrious pedigree and refined complexity will elevate your enjoyment to new heights.
Specifications & Product Details
Brand: Arturo Fuente
Name: The Opus X Society Cigar
Wrapper: Dominican
Filler & Binder: Dominican
Origin: Dominican Republic
Availability: In Stock at TRP Cigars
More from the Arturo Fuente Opus X Society at TRP Cigars
Complement your Opus X Society cigar with these exclusive accessories, each crafted with the same dedication to quality and elegance that defines the Opus X legacy:
- The Opus X Society Sugar Cutter
- The Opus X Society Sugar J30 Lighter
- The Opus X Society Freedom J30 Lighter
- The Opus X Society Rose J30 Lighter
- The Opus X Society Table Top Lighter – Pink
- The Opus X Society Table Top Lighter – Red
- The Opus X Society Table Top Lighter – Yellow
- The Opus X Society Leather 3 Cigars Case – Camel Yellow
- The Opus X Society Leather 3 Cigars Case – Chocolate Brown
- The Opus X Society Leather 3 Cigars Case – Dark Blue
- The Opus X Society Leather 3 Cigars Case – English Green
- The Opus X Society Leather 3 Cigars Case – Red
5 1/4"
Wrapper Type
Sun-Grown Habano
Dominican Republic